9:30: Konferenzauftakt Uma Kothari & Joseph Hodge sprechen über internationale Entwicklungsforschung und ihre Herausforderung. | |
12:30-13:30: MITTAGSPAUSE | |
Seminarraum 1 | Seminarraum 2 |
13:30-15:00: Workshop "Transnationalisation, Migration and Development" (Teil 1) | 13:30-16:00: Workshop "Sexualität(en) im Entwicklungskontext: Forschungsergebnisse und Perspektiven" |
15:00-15:30: KAFFEEPAUSE | 16:00-16:30: KAFFEEPAUSE |
15:30-17:00: Workshop "Transnationalisation, Migration and Development" (Teil 2) | 16:00-17:00: Workshop "Southeast Asia in a global perspective" |
17:00-17:15: KAFFEEPAUSE | |
17:15-18:30: Workshop "Transnationalisation, Migration and Development" (Teil 3) | 17:15-18:30: Workshop "Southeast Asia in a global perspective" |
Seminarraum 1 | Seminarraum 2 |
9:30-11:00: Workshop "APPEAR: Development and Cooperation in Higher Education and Research" | 9:30-11:00: Workshop "Geographic and Political Determinants of Economic Development" |
11:00-11:30 KAFFEEPAUSE | |
11:30-13:00: Workshop "The State in the Global South" | 11:30-13:00: Workshop "Rassismus und EZA" |
13:00-14:00 MITTAGSPAUSE | |
14:00-16:00: Workshop Wrap-Up Ort: Alois-Wagner-Saal | |
16:00-18:00: Abschlusspodium |