University of Vienna -> Department of Development Studies -> Conference

Workshop Wrap-Up

The workshops‘ presentations and discussions will be brought together with the aim to illustrate mutual and diverging perspectives on global inequalities.
The panel aims at summarizing the workshop results in order to identify methodical, theoretical and/or thematic intersections between the research agendas. This process should enhance cooperation between the research groups and may allow for a systematic interconnection of the various research projects. 


Chair: Univ.-Prof. Hanna Hacker / Univ.-Prof. Wolfram Schaffar, Department of Development Studies (Vienna) 

⇒ Saturday, 29 October 2011, Alois-Wagner-Saal (14.00-16.00)
⇒ Contact:

Conference of the Department of Development Studies | Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1  | 1010 Vienna