University of Vienna -> Department of Development Studies -> Conference

Workshop Racism and Development Aid

Criticising Racist Structures and Representations in the Context of Austrian Development AidIn this workshop we want to talk about the relevance of racism in the Austrian development aid system today. For discussion in small groups, three specific themes have been defined: Visual representation in public relations campaigns; „encounters“ in development aid; as well as Fair Trade. Following a short summary by members of the small discussion groups, we want to discuss the question, how and if a deracialised development aid system could be conceptualised. Research group:The research group Racism and Development Aid was founded in autumn 2010 and its current members are Julia Stranner, Bente Gießelmann, Andrea Kremser, Hanna Stepanik, Isabelle Schützenberger and Clemens Pfeffer. We would be happy, if more people would join the group. For more information or to join the group, please send an e-mail to: For further information see:

Further reading – Racism and Development Aid
Baaz, Maria Eriksson (2005): Paternalism of Partnership. A postcolonial Reading of Identity in Development Aid. London: Zed Books.

BER – Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag e.V. (2011): Von Trommlern und Helfern. Beiträge zu einer nicht-rassistischen entwicklungspolitischen Bildungs- und Projektarbeit. Sechste (unveränderte) Auflage. Berlin: BER [zu beziehen / to order:].

Concha, Paz; Figueira, Patricia (2011): Comercio justo, otra cara del desarrollo. In: Gazeta de Antropología, 1, 27,

Crewe, Emma; Fernando, Priyanthi (2006): The elephant in the room: racism in representations, relationships and rituals. In: Progress in Development Studies 6, 1, 40-54.
Ferguson, James (1990): The Anti-Politics Machine.  „Development“, Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gomes de Abreu Fialho, Bea (2006): Geber-Empfänger-Beziehungen: Partnerschaften und Hierarchien. In: Gomes, Bea de Abreu Fialho; Maral-Hanak,
Irmi; Schicho, Walter (Hg.): Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Akteure, Handlungsmuster und Interessen. Wien: Mandelbaum, 11-24.

Goudge, Paulette (2003): The whiteness of power: racism in third world development and aid. London: Lawrence and Wishart.

Hacker, Hanna (2006): White Man’s Bedtime Stories. Zur Ökonomie von Geschlecht und Whiteness in Texten der Development-Kontaktliteratur. In: ÖZS – Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 31, 4, 45-65.

Hacker, Hanna (2008): Visuelle Darstellungsstrategien im „Digital Divide“. Zur Produktion von Differenz in ICT-Diskursen. In: Wischermann, Ulla; Thomas, Tanja (Hg.): Medien – Diversität – Ungleichheit. Zur medialen Konstruktion sozialer Differenz. Wiesbaden: VS, 47-67.

Kerner, Ina (1999): Feminismus, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Postkoloniale Kritik. Eine Analyse von Grundkonzepten des Gender-and-Development Ansatzes. Münster/Hamburg/Berlin/Wien/London: LIT.

Kiesel, Timo; Bendix, Daniel (2010): White Charity: Eine postkoloniale, rassismuskritische Analyse der entwicklungspolitischen Plakatwerbung in Deutschland. In: Peripherie 30, 120, 483-495.

Kothari, Uma (Hg., 2006): A Radical History of Development Studies. Individuals, Institutions and Ideologies. London/New York: Zed Books.

Kothari, Uma (2006): Critiquing „race“ and racism in development discourse and practice. In: Progress in Development Studies 6, 1, 1-7.

Kothari, Uma (2006): An agenda for thinking about „race“ in development. In: Progress in Development Studies 6, 1, 9-23.

McEwan, Cheryl (2008): Postcolonialism and Development. London/New York: Routledge.

White, Sarah (2002): Thinking race, thinking development. In: Third World Quarterly 23, 3, 407-419.

Win, Everjoice (2004): „If it doesn’t fit on the blue square it’s out!“ An open letter to my donor friend. In: Groves, Leslie; Hinton, Rachel (Hg.): Inclusive Aid. Changing Power and Relationships in International Development. London/Sterling: Earthscan, 123-127.

Ziai, Aram (2008): Rassismus und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. In: Gomes, Bea; Schicho, Walter; Sonderegger, Arno (2008): Rassismus. Beiträge zu einem vielgesichtigen Phänomen. Wien: Mandelbaum.

Zick Varul, Matthias (2011): „Die Moralisierung des Konsums ist von Furcht getrieben“. Fair Trade und die postkolonialen Statusängste von Konsumenten.
MoralisierungFurcht.pdf [English: The Fear of the Fairtrade Consumer – An Informed Guess on a Form of Consumer Anxiety, Post-colonial Guilt and Anti-conquest. blog/2011/06/19/the-fear-of-the-fairtrade-consumer-–-an-informed-guess-on-a-form-of-consumer-anxiety-post-colonial-guilt-and-anti-conquest/] [22.10.2011].

⇒ Saturday 29 October 2011, Seminar Room 2 (11.30-13.00)
⇒Contact: Clemens Pfeffer

Conference of the Department of Development Studies | Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1  | 1010 Vienna