University of Vienna -> Department of Development Studies -> Conference

Closing Panel

Presentation of the submissions of the public forum “Images of Development and Global Inequalities” and discussion of the results of the workshops with cooperation partners of the Department of Development Studies as well as with practioners from development agencies.

Images of Development (30 minutes)
Closing Panel (90 minutes)

Chair: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Petra Dannecker, M.A.  (Head of the Department of the Development Studies)

Panel participants:

The closing panel will in particular address the following questions:

  • From our partner institutions' perspective: What is their opinion about the department’s research agenda and its focus?
  • How do the practioners from development agencies assess the research projects?
  • How do these projects relate to our prospective international cooperation partners?
  • How do the research agendas connect to the questions posed in opening panel?

⇒ Saturday 29 October 2011, Alois Wagner Saal (16.00-18.00)

Conference of the Department of Development Studies | Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1  | 1010 Vienna